My family

My family

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Letting go

Back story:  I wrote this post about two weeks ago and I have been sitting on it since then.  I hesitated on hitting the "publish" button because I thought I would feel pressured (by myself, not others) to perform a certain way.  You know that feeling when you tell someone you're on a diet then you feel like they are watching and judging everything you eat?  Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels like this.  :) 
I have always wanted to be a runner.  The super cute outfits, the rocking muscle tone, the graceful fluidity of movement and what I perceived as a feeling of pure freedom they must feel by just taking off.  :)

Since there's no time like the present, I joined Maple Grove's chapter of Moms On The Run.  That "freedom" I dreamed of has turned out to be a kick-my-ass-every-day-kind-of-training!!  But......I can do this!  Famous last words.

One thing that has been on by bucket list forever is to run a 5k.  Sounds simple enough, right?  The goal is to participate in the Color Run on July 13th.  I'm going to need a few prayers!! :)

Update:  A lot has changed in the last two weeks. I'm faithful about attending the Moms On The Run class every Sunday and Wednesday.  Since the first workout, I have been fighting through Plantar Fascitis and shin splints. My body is definitely feeling it's age!  
All this time, I kept telling myself to push through the pain and suck it up.  Nothing was going to keep me from my goal.
I had a few serious conversations with Jesus about what to do.  I really enjoyed working out with this group of ladies and I had already signed up for the Color Run.  The bottom line was that I didn't want to quit.  I wanted to be a runner, dammit!  :)
After worrying, thinking, praying and beating myself up about this situation, I woke up yesterday morning with a clear picture of what I needed to do.  The running club is split into several sections:  beginners, distance runners, power walkers, etc.  Because it was obvious that my body was asking me what the hell I was doing, I decided to switch from the beginner running group to the power walker group.  There is no room in life for negative thinking.  Just because I wasn't actually running, I was still making a life-style change.  The end goal is to be healthy enough to stick around for my family, make some new friends and exercise.  I realized I didn't need to put my body though the ringer to do that.  Simply put:  I let it go
Last night was my first workout with the power walkers.  Seriously......they are no joke!  Afterward, I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.  No more being my own worst critic!! 
I'm doing this! Maybe it's not the way I planned but I'm getting it done!! :)

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